There are many differing views in today's society about the relevance of Remembrance Sunday There are many differing views in today's society about the relevance of Remembrance Sunday but for me, it’s quite simple and very relevant…
Men and women over time have been asked to put themselves in harms way for the greater good of others, many were lucky and returned to tell the tail, others weren’t!
My time came in 1982
My time came in 1982 when a desperate Argentine regime chose to try and impose its will on the people of The Falkland Islands.
I was just 21 and having left Dartmouth two short years earlier, having joined the Royal Navy as a young Officer Under Training at BRNC in 1979, I found myself in HMS Plymouth heading for the South Atlantic and what was to become the first military action against a hostile country in over 30 years.
Many people never returned!
I have previously written about my experiences in the Falklands Conflict but suffice to say that my ship having been bombed, having been involved in every theatre of the conflict including the repatriation of South Georgia and the signing of the surrender, being the first ship to enter San Carlos Water,
seeing some ships damaged, while others sank and witnessing the Burial at Sea of two sailors from HMS Argonaut, I recognise the danger faced and sacrifice made by many people who never returned.
I’m one of the lucky ones, now returning to Dartmouth to live and do business, 40 years after I first set foot off the coach onto the Parade Ground at BRNC back in 1979 and I’m grateful that I’m able to do so, when so many others who went before me lost their lives in two World Wars and the conflicts since.
They shall not grow old...
This year, The Eleventh Hour of The Eleventh Day of The Eleventh Month will be a fitting time to remember them. Those who never returned. They shall not grow old...